Cascadian Bioregionalism: Last Stand At the Edge of the World

This is a guerilla course (free class) on bioregionalism, especially in Cascadia. The class will explore what bioregionalism is. In this exploration we will examine civilization and ask is bioregionalism the solution to the negative effects of anthropocentrism and the idea of “power over.”
This class is being held by Alexander Baretich.
Starting April 27th 2015
*NEW LOCATION beginning on May 4th*
6:30 PM Mondays at Portland State University
1721 SW Broadway, Portland, OR 97201
Cramer Hall, Room 409 (4th floor)
R.S.V.P. to Alexander Baretich at for exactly where and if there is a vacancy in the class. This course is free, but no donations are turned away.
Recording of the 2nd Class on 5/4/15
Recording of the first class on 4/27/15Contains some explicit language.