The age of Guerilla Ecology

The age of Guerilla Ecology

The following is a primer on a concept I have termed Guerrilla Ecology. In this, we will explore a theoretical/historical basis for these ideas, goals such practices would seek to accomplish, ethical concerns, and lastly practical applications of these ideas in a way that is most consistent with these goals and ethics. I have laid this out in a way that each of these portions can be understood completely independent of each other. However, for…

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Ecology Emerges: Judy Goldhaft

Ecology Emerges: Judy Goldhaft

Ecology Emerges: Judy Goldhaft Judy Goldhaft is a cofounder of Planet Drum Foundation in San Francisco, and was previously one of the band of radicals known as the San Francisco Diggers. She also helped start the Frisco Bay Mussel Group in the late 1970s and has been in the middle of the emergence of bioregionalism. She is interviewed here as part of the wide-ranging “Ecology Emerges” oral histories of the early ecology movement, traversing the…

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Do Trees Communicate?

Do Trees Communicate?

Do Trees Communicate? In this real-life model of forest resilience and regeneration, Professor Suzanne Simard shows that all trees in a forest ecosystem are interconnected, with the largest, oldest, “mother trees” serving as hubs. The underground exchange of nutrients increases the survival of younger trees linked into the network of old trees. Amazingly, we find that in a forest, 1+1 equals more than 2. Dr. Suzanne Simard is a professor with the UBC Faculty of…

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