Support the Symbiosis Congress

Demand Utopia is a Social Ecology group founded in Portland in 2017. They are centered around the ideas of Democratic Confederalism, Post Scarcity, and as they put it ‘creative militancy’. A main part of their ethos is the rejection of nihilistic despair in the face of the problems we face but optimistically embracing community. They draw inspiration from many groups such as The Black Panthers, EZLN, and Rojava.
Since then they have gone nationwide with chapters (they call them siphers) all over the United States.
We believe it is our time as humanity to evolve past this desperate social order to realize our great potential. So while the right endeavors to build massive walls on an insane quest to protect their dystopia, we do the only reasonable thing and DEMAND UTOPIA!
They are one of many groups that are trying to make their way to Detroit for the Symbiosis Congress in September. They will be joined by other groups such as Black Socialists of America, Cooperative Jackson, DSA-LSC, and many more.
More information about Symbiosis can be found in their interview with It’s Going Down.
Demand Utopia is trying to take 20 people to Detroit for the Congress. The costs per person are estimated to be $250 per person.
Donations can be made here:
“Christianity gave Eros poison to drink; he did not die of it, certainly, but degenerated to Vice.” – Frederick Nietzsche
Beyond Good and Evil
Big thanks to all my patron supporters for making this and future articles possible.

Musician, Health Coach, Homesteader, Permaculture/Aquaponics Guru, Expat, Klamath regional coordinator, project manager, and writer for Free Cascadia.
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